Ensuring Child Safety on Motorcycles: Tips for Parents and Riders


Speeding down the highway on your motorcycle, with the free open roads stretching out in front of you—that’s the best feeling on the planet. As a parent, you may want to share the joy of riding with your kids; however, you must keep safety in mind.

Before allowing a child to ride on the back of a motorcycle, you should be aware of the laws in your state and comply with them. Otherwise, you face the risk of being fined and racking up points on your license. Worse, you could put your child at risk.

Here are a few things for parents to consider before taking their children on a motorcycle ride.

Safety Gear

It’s important to get the right safety gear for your kids if you want to take them on a motorcycle ride. This ensures they stay safe on the ride and minimizes injuries in the event of an accident. The main piece of safety equipment for kids is a helmet, and it should be the right size for your child.

When choosing a helmet for your child, pick one that meets all the safety standards and fits snugly on their head. Make sure your child wears knee pads and gloves for added safety. You should check to see that the helmet is lightweight, sturdy, and designed specifically for motorbike use.

A final point to keep in mind is that the helmet shouldn’t obscure the child’s view. Keep it properly maintained and repair or replace it as needed.

Drive Responsibly

While safety gear does provide some degree of protection in a crash, it doesn’t completely prevent injury. This is why it’s important for motorcycle riders to ride responsibly, even with safety gear on.

Children are at a greater risk of injury in a crash, so it’s important to drive under the speed limit and obey all road rules. Don’t make rash moves or drive at high speeds when it can be avoided. Watch out for risks, like drunk drivers or badly maintained roads, which can cause bad accidents.

Be aware of defensive driving tactics to minimize damage and stick to safe driving routes. It’s even better if you can plan your route out in advance and teach your kids about driving safely.

Laws for Riding with Children

There are strict laws in place across the country for child passengers on motorcycles. Failing to follow these rules can result in fines or points being added to your license. In the worst case, it can result in accidents that harm your child.

Small children are prohibited from riding on motorcycles, and only kids above a certain age are allowed to ride on them. Some states put this age requirement at 6, some at 7, and most states require that kids be big enough to reach the footrests and be able to hold on to ride on a motorcycle.

Final Thoughts

Riding a motorcycle can be a joyful experience, especially for young children. It is important for parents to be aware of the risks involved in taking a young child on a motorcycle and take the necessary precautions.

Using proper safety gear, ensuring your child is big enough, and being aware of the laws in place are some of the things parents can do to ensure a safe ride with their children. Failing to comply with laws on child passengers could result in fines and other penalties.

If you find yourself in a motorcycle accident, be sure to consult a good lawyer to help you defend your rights and ensure you get fair compensation for all the losses and damages sustained.

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I am Jessica Moretti, mother of 1 boy and 2 beautiful twin angels, and live in on Burnaby Mountain in British Columbia. I started this blog to discuss issues on parenting, motherhood and to explore my own experiences as a parent. I hope to help you and inspire you through simple ideas for happier family life!


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