What Are the Causes of Premature Birth


The cause of premature birth has not been fully elucidated. However, certain risk factors are associated with an inadequate lifestyle.

What are the Causes of Premature birth?

A premature infant is a baby born with fewer lunar months, specifically, a baby born before 37 weeks of gestation. Given that a full gestation period is 40 weeks, preterm birth carries certain risks as the baby’s organs and systems are not fully developed. It also increases the likelihood of diseases that complicate development. So, what are the causes of premature birth?

Types of Preterm Birth

When a baby is born, it can be premature (less than 37 weeks gestation), full-term (37-42 weeks gestation), or premature (birth after 42 weeks gestation). The types of preterm birth are.

  • Extreme Prematurity: Babies born before 28 weeks of gestation
  • Preterm birth: a baby born between 29 and 32 weeks of gestation
  • Usually premature: babies born between 32 and 35 weeks of gestation
  • Late preterm birth: a baby born between 35 and 37 weeks of gestation

Most babies are born a few weeks earlier and do not experience any problems associated with premature birth. However, the earlier you are born, the greater your risk of serious and even life-threatening complications. Extreme premature birth can result in the death of the newborn.

In addition, premature infants are at increased risk for developmental delays and long-term problems related to learning disabilities. However, most children born prematurely grow up without long-term difficulties.

Pregnant women should avoid addiction to minimize the risk of premature birth. Although the cause of most premature births is unknown,

Experts have identified some risk factors, including.

  • Women over the age of 10 or 40.
  • Inadequate antenatal care due to low socioeconomic level.
  • Pregnant with twins, triplets, or more children.
  • Poor diet: Women who are too skinny are at greater risk of premature birth. A decrease in an intrauterine fluid resulting from poor nutrition can lead to premature birth.
  • Obesity: considered a risk factor. Adipose tissue produces inflammatory proteins that trigger spontaneous labor.
  • Infections occurring during pregnancy: These include urinary tract infections and sexually transmitted infections.
  • If you have experienced preterm birth:  This is the most important risk factor. The number of preterm births and the gestation period during which preterm babies were born indicates the risk of preterm birth in new pregnancies.
  • People with heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes
  • Cervical incompetence: A problem in which the cervix begins to dilate prematurely.

There are also other factors that increase the risk of premature birth.

  • Use of toxic substances: e.g. tobacco, cocaine, or amphetamines
  • Uterine factors: Uterine surgery, malformations, or fibroids affect preterm birth.
  • Complications of current pregnancy: bleeding in the middle or late stages of pregnancy, changes in amniotic fluid volume, premature membrane rupture, etc.

Danger Symptoms

For pregnant women, some symptoms can signal danger. If you experience these symptoms or have any other problems, you should see a doctor. First, bleeding in the middle or late stages of pregnancy is a prominent symptom. This can lead to premature membrane rupture, which can lead to premature birth.

Second, earlier than expected labor may be a sign of preterm labor. Likewise, if you’re secreting fluid and you’re not sure what it is, you may be leaking amniotic fluid. These problems are also symptoms of premature membrane rupture.

Advice to Avoid Premature Birth

A healthy lifestyle during pregnancy can help avoid risk factors associated with premature birth.

As mentioned earlier, the cause of premature birth is unknown, but some recommendations can help you avoid it. First, if you gave birth to a premature baby, you would have to wait 12 months before becoming pregnant again.

It is also advisable to avoid tobacco and toxic substances during pregnancy. Likewise, you should follow a balanced diet. It is best to address malnutrition and anemia before conceiving. Experts recommend eating a diet low in fat and rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

If labor begins prematurely, doctors give pregnant women drugs to delay or stop contractions. They also try to speed up the baby’s lung development to avoid complications.


The rate of preterm births has increased in recent years. Above all, it is because pregnant women are getting older, the high blood pressure and diabetes are increasing, and the use of infertility treatment has also increased. This in turn leads to more multiple pregnancies.

Therefore, it is necessary to detect symptoms early and visit a hospital if you have any questions. Likewise, advances in science must continue to increase the life expectancy of premature babies.

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I am Jessica Moretti, mother of 1 boy and 2 beautiful twin angels, and live in on Burnaby Mountain in British Columbia. I started this blog to discuss issues on parenting, motherhood and to explore my own experiences as a parent. I hope to help you and inspire you through simple ideas for happier family life!


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