5 Ways To Boost Your Mental Health And Well-Being After Pregnancy


A newborn baby is the cutest gift life has to offer. It brings joy to everyone as you welcome a new family member. However, the period after giving birth can be filled with numerous emotions. Sometimes you’re happy, other times you’re sad or even afraid.

These mixed feelings can indeed affect your peace of mind. Therefore, taking the necessary steps to ensure your mental health and well-being is very important.

In that regard, here are six ways to boost your mental health and well-being after pregnancy:

1) Take Dopamine Supplements

Usually, after giving birth, the core regions of your brain reward network kick in. They activate the release of feel-good hormones like dopamine into your blood. Dopamine functions as a chemical messenger, carrying information between your brain cells. It interacts with the pleasure and reward centre in your brain, making you feel good.

However, the stress you develop and lack of enough sleep due to your baby crying at night can lower dopamine levels. It can make you less motivated, and it affects your mental health.

You can increase your body’s dopamine levels through the various dopamine options. They help your body increase its dopamine levels, which enhances your overall mental well-being and enables you to handle your daily duties effectively.

2) Appreciate Your Body

A lot of changes can happen to your body after giving birth. Your body will have a different figure than the one you initially had, and focusing on this change can cause insecurity with your looks.

Instead, learn to appreciate your body and always be grateful. Always look at every situation’s bright side, focusing on your mental health and overall well-being.

Be proactive and exert effort in exercises enabling you to lose post-pregnancy weight and recover your original figure. This will create a good feeling for you as a new mom, sharing more smiles with your newborn.

3) Don’t Compare Yourself Or Baby To Others

Comparison steals away joy, especially for mothers. Every mother has their unique way of parenting, and every child also grows and develops at their own pace. There may be some times when you can’t help but compare yourself with other moms.

For instance, you may notice another new mom like you doing a lot better because they are posting their clean houses or a photo of themselves with their hair and makeup done on social media.

Similarly, you may see other babies growing much faster and think there’s something wrong with yours. These unfavourable comparisons are a source of anxiety, depression, and self-criticism after birth.

So, instead of comparing yourself or your baby to others, appreciate the efforts you’re putting in and the progress your baby is making.

4) Maintain A Healthy Diet

Maintaining a healthy diet is one of the most effective ways to lower the risks of postpartum depression that may be connected to nutrient deficiencies. A well-balanced diet plays a significant role by helping your body recover, providing the energy you need to care for your little one, and decreasing the risk of maternal health disorders.

It will help if you maintain a healthy diet to support your body as it undergoes several changes after pregnancy. Ensure you eat adequate fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, and proteins.

5) Take Time To Rest And Sleep

The first few months after childbirth are often exhausting. You will experience that your baby will demand so much of your time. They may sleep during the day and be fully awake and crying at night.

It will be challenging to get decent sleep for several months. This causes your body to release cortisol, the primary stress hormone that influences your mood and motivation.

Try your best to have enough rest, nap, and sleep. It’s best to ask help from your spouse or relatives to take care of your newborn from time to time. Every minute and hour you get quality sleep matters so that you can recharge and be ready to take good care of your baby.


When you become a mother, especially for the first time, your life changes in ways that may surprise you; you may need to change your diet and sleeping patterns and even shift your full attention to your newborn.

It can indeed affect your mental health and overall well-being. The good thing is that there are various things you can do to foster your mental stability after pregnancy. Getting to know your baby and adjusting to a new lifestyle will take some time. So, be kind to yourself and enjoy your journey to motherhood.

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I am Jessica Moretti, mother of 1 boy and 2 beautiful twin angels, and live in on Burnaby Mountain in British Columbia. I started this blog to discuss issues on parenting, motherhood and to explore my own experiences as a parent. I hope to help you and inspire you through simple ideas for happier family life!


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