Productive Ways to Spend Your Time Online


Everyone is on the internet these days. Well, at least most people are, and that’s a great thing. The internet has revolutionized the way we do business, communicate and even access information. This is why it’s super important, to have a fast and reliable internet provider, like Hughesnet satellite internet, meaning you can access all the information you need within seconds.

Like most things in life, the internet also has its disadvantages like privacy issues, security hacks and social media addiction. There have been incidences of hackers breaching the security systems of several companies and have access to crucial personal information of their customers. There has been the thorny issue of websites, particularly social media sites, collecting users’ data and using it for targeted advertising.

Social media addiction has especially been pointed out to lower productivity so much that some companies have blocked their access on the networks. Quite a lot has been said on the subject that it appears that any time spent online is a waste of productivity.

That shouldn’t however be the case since there are productive ways to spend time online, some of which can even boost your earnings.

Learn a new language

In an increasingly globalized world, being multilingual is desirable and could even earn your some money on the side as a translator or a tutor. It also opens up opportunities in the country where the language is predominantly spoken.

You don’t have to enrolfor language lessons at a school that charges top dollar for you to learn a new language. With a simple internet connection, you can download an app like Duolingo on your phone and learn as many languages as you want at your own convenience.

So instead of spending hours scrolling through your social media feed, learn a new language.

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Access education opportunities

The internet has done wonders to the way we access education. Now you can attend classes from wherever you are through the convenience of a video chat room with your tutors.

You can also now access higher education opportunities including bachelors and master’s degrees which are offered by reputable online universities.

Even better now, crowdfunding platforms and Full Ride Scholarships have enabled thousands of poor but bright students go to school and graduate, something they might have not been able to achieve without the help of the internet.

Learn new skills

You can practically learn almost everything on the internet these days. There are YouTube tutorials to take you through every step of repairing your car, making an ornament, apply makeup, etc.

Even if it is financial management skills or public speaking you want to learn, there is a website solely dedicated to that.

Take advantage of online resources like Udacity to learn about AI, computer sciences and basic coding skills, all of which are in demand in the job market.


There are a lot of jobs like being a web developer, freelance writer and virtual assistant that you can from where you are across the world as long as you have an internet connection.

It is important though that you master the required skills and create time to complete clients’ work when you get the jobs.

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I am Jessica Moretti, mother of 1 boy and 2 beautiful twin angels, and live in on Burnaby Mountain in British Columbia. I started this blog to discuss issues on parenting, motherhood and to explore my own experiences as a parent. I hope to help you and inspire you through simple ideas for happier family life!


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