Winter is the most awaited yet the most challenging season of the year especially for the mothers with young kids. Their duties shoots up when the winter arrives because young babies and toddlers tend to fall more sick as compared to adults. Therefore, mothers need to be extra careful with kids to keep them safe, healthy and warm.
This articles is must read for all the mommies because with these small tricks you can save your young ones from the dip of thermometer.
1) Warm clothes:
Selection of clothing in winters is really a task. Mothers gets extra possessive and due to fear that their child might catch cold, they hid their kids in tons of clothes to keep them warm. Instead of doing that, put few clothes which are warm and season appropriate. Some stuff are thin in material yet very warm. Look for those so that your child is not overburdened as it will hinder his mobility.
2) Using appropriate winter stuff:
You can’t stop kids from playing, studying or going out because of cold. They need to do everything regardless of freezing weather. So, a mom needs to be sure that her baby, toddler or child is covered with all the winter accessories like scarf, mittens warm shoes etc.
Make sure that their heads and ears are covered properly.
3) Change if clothes get wet:
Babies and toddlers can’t tell much if their clothes gets wet as they are too young to tell their problem. But this can really trigger the fever and other issues. Don’t let your child stay wet even for the short period. Immediately change the clothes if it gets wet by any means otherwise they will catch cold.
4) Usage of sunblock:
Sun block for all ages is must to save the skin from the danger of sun rays. apply sunblock even if it’s a small baby. The sunlight of winters may seems very pleasant to body but it steal the moisture of the skin and making it dry. The sunlight of winter also makes the skin tan if too much exposed to sun. So mothers must put sunblock on the skin of their kids.
5) Avoid dehydration:
In winter, we don’t feel like having too much water as we don’t sweat. As a result we are less thirsty. Same is the case with babies and toddlers. they try to avoid water as much as possible. Giving them water is must even if its winter. Because it’s deficiency can cause dehydration. Dehydration can be dangerous for kids in many ways.
6) Outdoor games and safety:
Outdoor activities for kids is very important no matter how cold it is. If it’s snow fall then make sure that your child covers his head properly. Usage of helmet is must while playing any snow sports like skiing, ice skating etc.
7) Keeping home centrally heated:
Keep your house centrally heated via electrical or gas heater so that a cozy environment is formed and your child can mobile easily around the house and stay active. It will also help you and your child fight against the harsh cold winter outside the house.
Winter has it’s beauty in it’s own way but it requires a bit of efforts to avoid coldness. You can enjoy winter with your children easily instead of developing phobia of winter if you keep the aforementioned points in your mind.