Recycle Leftovers & Avoid Food Waste


Everyone is talking about food waste. We all want to avoid throwing food away. On the one hand, it is a question of conviction how we handle food, on the other hand, it is a question of cost. And especially when you have a family, you pay more attention to your wallet.

It starts with the planning of the purchase and ends with how to cook more sustainably and use leftovers. The best thing about the leftovers is that you spend less time in the kitchen because some of them are already cooked. Many leftover recipes are very quick, which saves time. This is great for families or mothers who also go to work on the side.

Shopping sustainably – Plan weekly shopping

Tip number 1:

If you want to do something for the environment, you should shop seasonally and regionally. The vegetables and fruits are not in season all year round. On the one hand, you support the local farmers and often even know where the vegetables and fruit come from. When you shop at the weekly market, you also know the farmers behind it. On the other hand, it saves long transport routes and does not support poor working conditions for workers in agriculture.

In addition, vegetables and fruit are grown according to strict criteria, which are also controlled. Abroad, the criteria for the use of pesticides are often different.

Tip no. 2:

only buy as much as you need. Make a weekly schedule and write down what you will be eating in about a week. Only buy this amount of fresh food. In addition, it makes sense to have a basic stock of pasta, rice, polenta, or Ebly so that you can quickly cook a menu or use leftovers.

Cooking sustainably and living in an environmentally conscious way

Tip no. 3:

Save electricity when cooking: It’s very simple: Always put the lid on the pan, so less energy is lost. When cooking pasta or rice, you can turn down a few levels and put the lid halfway on the pan. Those who use the oven a little are also more environmentally conscious. The oven needs a lot of energy.

Vegetables should never be (over) cooked on the hottest setting but steamed. There are energy-saving pans that use much less electricity when cooking than conventional pans.

Tip # 4:

Many studies have shown that a dishwasher uses much less water than washing the dishes by hand. If you fill the dishwasher well and cleverly, so that it is really full, you will save a lot. If you let the dishwasher wash half empty every 2 days, you need too much energy.

Tip no. 5:

Even if you had a plan of what you wanted to cook – if you have leftovers from the previous day, you can throw your plans overboard and cook another menu to use. There are various leftover recipes that are variable and go well with many leftovers. So you can always use leftovers well.

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Tip No. 6:

Cook a larger amount in the evening and give these “leftovers” to the children, the husband or for you to take with you to school or work the next day at noon. This saves costs and does not have to spend money outside for an often unhealthy lunch.

Tip no. 7:

Store food properly and do not put warm food in the refrigerator or freezer until everything has cooled down. However, many dishes can be frozen and kept for up to 3 months.

Other important tips for more sustainability in the kitchen

Tip # 8:

Avoid unnecessarily throwing away food. Pay attention to the best before dates and rely on your senses. And pay attention: the best before date is not the same as the expiry date! Yogurt, for example, can still be eaten 1 week after the best-before date has expired. With milk you should smell it, if it tastes sour, you should throw it away. Important: Leftovers can be kept for at least 2-3 days, they do not have to be consumed within a day.

Fruit juices, coffee, rice and flour can also be used long after the best-before date. Only meat and fish should be consumed immediately.

Tip no. 9:

Any ideas what to do with leftovers? Here are some ideas:

  • Casserole (e.g. with pasta, potatoes, vegetables, eggs, meat)
  • Omelets filled with vegetables from the day before (or if you need eggs)
  • Old bread can be used for slices of bread, bread casseroles, bread salad (toasted bread with vegetables), cheese slices, dumplings
  • Noodles and pasta can be sautéed with egg, cheese, and vegetables or simply eaten the next day with pesto
  • Rice can be used to make rice balls (arancini), buffers, or a casserole
  • Potatoes (e.g. from a raclette) can be used with mashed potatoes, buffers, and patties, salads, casseroles, soups, hash browns, etc.
  • Vegetables from the day before can be used for soups, fillings for omelets, cannelloni, lasagna, pizza, etc.
  • Pizza is always a good leftover menu: just top it with a little tomato sauce, put everything that’s left on top, cheese over it, and put it in the oven.
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I am Jessica Moretti, mother of 1 boy and 2 beautiful twin angels, and live in on Burnaby Mountain in British Columbia. I started this blog to discuss issues on parenting, motherhood and to explore my own experiences as a parent. I hope to help you and inspire you through simple ideas for happier family life!


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