How to Plan the Ultimate Romantic Weekend Away with Your Husband


Whether you are arranging a surprise weekend away for your much-deserving husband for an anniversary or birthday present, or instead are simply looking forward to some time away together just the two of you, then you have certainly come to the right place.

Continue reading to discover how to plan the ultimate romantic weekend away with your husband.

Plan a Variety of Activities

If your husband is someone who absolutely adores outdoor activities, then sharing activities together that bring both of you outside of your comfort zone can be just as romantic as a candlelit dinner.

When you book the accommodation for your romantic getaway, ensure that there are numerous options for activities in and around the local area and if both of you prefer more pampering than hiking, you could even look to attending a couple’s spa.

More Delicate Matters

When it comes to feeling comfortable on your weekend away, it is important to pack appropriately and take clothing and accessories which make you feel as if you are away on vacation.

Additionally, if you and your husband’s situation decrees it, you could speak to him about investing in some Viagra pills from a reputable and renowned supplier such as Chemist Click.

Start Saving Early

In these turbulent economic times, where people not only in the United States but across the world seem to have less and less disposable income as the years go by, it can be more than a little worrying when it comes to an impending vacation.

Not only should you start saving for your weekend as soon as you know the date, but you could also look to making small changes to your daily life that will save a surprising amount of money rather quickly. An excellent example of this is to prepare your lunches and drinks at home for a workday rather than buying out.

Ban the Use of Electronics

Obviously, depending on you and your husband’s job role, it may be virtually impossible to go entirely ‘off the radar’ and leave your phone at home.

However, too many people tend to be glued to their smartphones, tablets and laptops from dawn till dusk and technology is arguably the biggest downfall of communication and conversation in a relationship.

On your romantic and well-deserved break, make a pact together to minimize the usage of any electronics and instead take other things to entertain you, such as a pack of cards. You could even plan a retro board games night, or make cocktails together; basically, anything that encourages fun and bonding between the two of you.

Avoid Social Media

Finally, on the subject of technology on your romantic break, you should both strive to avoid social media entirely and enjoy each other’s company.

Instead of feeling compelled to take photographic documentation of each and everything you do, try instead to be in the moment together throughout your vacation and enjoy every moment of private time together.

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I am Jessica Moretti, mother of 1 boy and 2 beautiful twin angels, and live in on Burnaby Mountain in British Columbia. I started this blog to discuss issues on parenting, motherhood and to explore my own experiences as a parent. I hope to help you and inspire you through simple ideas for happier family life!


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