How to Help Kids Adjust Going Back to School


Summertime is the best time in a kid’s life, and it is so difficult for them to want to go back to school. In the summer, kids feel like they get to play all the time and do whatever it is that they please. However, the adjustment from summer loving to going back to school can really bring a disruption to a child’s life.

Not only is this hard for the child, but it is also hard for the parents of this child. In this article, we are going to give you tips as to how you can help the back-to-school transition go smoothly not only for your child, but for your whole family.

Establish a Routine Before School Starts

One of the hardest transitions for children when starting school is having to have a very strict routine when previously there was no routine. This shock of order, after having three months of no structure or routine can be very difficult for children as they are used to having their own schedule and doing things on their own time.

This can be so difficult for the children to adjust to. One way to help children adjust to school is to establish routines that will make the transition easier. Some ideas would be to have a set bedtime, to schedule daily or weekly events so that there is some structure to their lives during the summer.

Plan Back-to-School Activities

If you plan activities that prepare your children to go back to school, then you will see much more success. They will be prepared mentally to return to school if it is on their radar. There are a bunch of activities that they could participate in that can be found online to help them recognize that they will be attending school soon. One activity that can really help them is a back to school survival kit. These kits are great when preparing your children to go back to school. The activities will help get them back into learning mode rather than just play mode.

If your family follows the Christian faith, one back-to-school activity that can help your kids adjust to their new routines is a Bible study with the family. Taking time to study the Word of God can provide comfort and guidance during this transition. You can make it fun by choosing engaging activities and discussion topics relevant to your child’s age and grade level. Not only will this help them spiritually, but it can also be an excellent opportunity to bond as a family and help your child feel supported and loved as they navigate a new school year.

Go to a Back-to-School Night

Attending the back-to-school night will really help your children as they get ready to go back to school night. These back-to-school nights are a great way for the kids to meet their future teachers and classroom. They will get to see all of the learning materials and have a chance to see what their schedule will be like.

Read also: How to Motivate Your Child to Learn

Being able to sit at their desk and see an outlined schedule will help them get back into school mode. After exploring the classroom, it is usually okay for the children to play on the playground which will help them get excited about returning back to school.


Although it may seem impossible to get your child ready to go back to school, that does not have to be the case. There are many small and simple things that you can do to help them as they prepare to adjust from summer living to returning back to school. Next time you are struggling with this, be sure to use the tips found in this article. Good luck!

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I am Jessica Moretti, mother of 1 boy and 2 beautiful twin angels, and live in on Burnaby Mountain in British Columbia. I started this blog to discuss issues on parenting, motherhood and to explore my own experiences as a parent. I hope to help you and inspire you through simple ideas for happier family life!


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