How to Fix [pii_email_ec4f22c28919a953e74e] Error on Microsoft Outlook

Support sign indicating how to resolve error [pii_email_ec4f22c28919a953e74e] on Microsoft outlook email

Emails are now widely used as a means of communication for official and sometimes unofficial purposes. Many email generators are being used and Microsoft outlook is one of them. It is considered to be the best email generator and is being used worldwide. It is the first choice of the majority of people as it provides the best security and encryption of your communication.

Besides all these qualities, Microsoft outlook can cause sometimes errors too. Error [pii_email_ec4f22c28919a953e74e] is a type of error caused when your outlook is not working properly. But you don’t need to worry you are on the right page. Here you will find the maximum numbers of solution to resolve this error [pii_email_ec4f22c28919a953e74e].


We use our systems for doing many things at the same time, but this reduces the efficiency of working. This can also cause [pii_email_ec4f22c28919a953e74e] error to occur. To resolve this, close all the other work and then again open Microsoft outlook to see if the error is resolved.

Multiple Accounts:

Using multiple accounts can be a cause for the error [pii_email_ec4f22c28919a953e74e]. Log out from all the accounts, then clear cache and login from the account that was having error and check if the error has resolved.

Clear the cache and cookies:

The error can also occur if there are damaged data packets. For this, you need to first logout from Microsoft outlook and then clear the browsing history and all the cache and cookies available. Login again and the error is solved!

Using the lower version of windows:

Sometimes it also happens that your Microsoft office version is not compatible with your systems windows. They do not go hand in hand with the work as they are not fully compatible. The best possible solution can be to downgrade the windows for example use windows 7 instead of windows 10 to match the compatibility of outlook.

Upgrading your outlook to the latest version:

Ensure that your system meets the requirement of the Microsoft version you are using. Check if your outlook is updated to the latest version or not. If an update is needed, update your outlook to the latest version. Restart your pc and check if [pii_email_ec4f22c28919a953e74e] Error is resolved.

Reinstall Microsoft Outlook to Fix [pii_email_ec4f22c28919a953e74e] Error:

If the installation process is interrupted by any means it will be then incompatible with your system’s software and will cause errors. To resolve errors uninstall Microsoft outlook from your system and then reinstall it from the official website of Microsoft outlook.

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Try Web Application:

If you are having some urgent work and the error is not resolved yet, you can use the website application of Microsoft outlook as an alternative for the time being. To use the web application at the upper corner and select the outlook web app in the navigation plane. Clear light edition check box for outlook and save. Now signup with your registered account.

Trouble Shooting:

If you are not able to resolve the [pii_email_ec4f22c28919a953e74e] error up till now then you can try the troubleshooting method. Click on the windows icon on the keyboard and go to settings. Select update and security method, there you will find the option of troubleshooting. Click yes to activate the troubleshooting application. Wait until the configuration is finished. Now reboot your system and launch Microsoft Outlook and see if it is working.


Here we discussed some methods so that your error [pii_email_ec4f22c28919a953e74e] can be resolved. Hope you have found this page useful. If still your error is not resolved you can always contact Microsoft outlook customer care support for your help.

Related Error Codes

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  • [pii_pn_6594b560039cb2e3]
  • [pii_email_03e77cb12cc4716a2a15]
  • [pii_email_03f4a0eeae8484e189e8]
  • [pii_email_26b0babaf23b7ef6]
  • [pii_email_2db267d041bc39cf]
  • [pii_email_2db267d041bc39cf]


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I am Jessica Moretti, mother of 1 boy and 2 beautiful twin angels, and live in on Burnaby Mountain in British Columbia. I started this blog to discuss issues on parenting, motherhood and to explore my own experiences as a parent. I hope to help you and inspire you through simple ideas for happier family life!


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