10 Creative Ways to Keep Your Kids Busy


Your kid will sometimes look to you for entertainment, regardless of how well-organized you are as a parent. However, there’s no denying that it can be tricky to balance working from home with kids. Having children near your home office might be challenging whether you’re balancing a budget, teleconferencing, or writing.

How do you proceed? Having choices is essential. This article offers kid-friendly activities that don’t require parental supervision so you can concentrate on your work.

Kids can do amazing things with minimal parental supervision, like reading a captivating book, learning to draw, building a fort, and coloring gorgeous pictures at colorconfetti.com.

Most of the ideas in this article need little setup time, so your child may start having fun while you respond to emails or phone calls. If your children are older, you can also demonstrate how to set up the games and let them do it themselves.

Car Playmat

If you currently have a playmat with a road pattern, arrange it and grab any item that fits on it, such as trucks and automobiles, dolls, aircraft, etc.

Children adore using their artistic abilities to navigate the town in creative play. If you don’t have a mat, you may make your roadways on any floor surface with painter’s tape or purchase one online for next-day delivery.

The best part about a constructed track is that it can be played in numerous directions and pushed up over small objects like chairs or boxes.

Arts and Crafts

Invest in age-appropriate crafts and artistic supplies for your child and engage him in related tasks. Give them compliments and motivate them to get better at what they do. Instead of expecting perfection, thank them for their attempt.

Some crafts and painting projects that children can do are clay modeling, embroidery, basketry, origami, stitching, knitting, and woodworking, in addition to drawing and painting.

Crafts and art encourage your child’s imagination and aid in concentration. Furthermore, it enhances their fine motor skills, color perception, and eye-hand coordination.

Puzzle Solving

The brain remains healthy, intelligent, and developing through exercise. Select level-appropriate puzzles that keep your child occupied and give them a sense of accomplishment.

Activities that are too simple could dull children, while those that are too challenging could demotivate them. Activities like jigsaws, crosswords, Rubik’s cubes, word hunts, sudoku, math, and other logic puzzles are available for you to pick from.

These exercises enhance your child’s capacity for logical thought, reasoning, and analytical thinking.

Spider Web

Use tape, wool, or crepe-like paper streamers to construct a spider web (or a beaming laser maze) in a corridor. Allow the children to navigate the maze by crawling, twisting, and climbing between the materials strung across one another. Every time they attempt to navigate the maze, have them try a new strategy.

Can they navigate the maze without coming into contact with any spider webs?

Dance Videos

Young kids can now use computers and smartphones.

Play some music that won’t distract you from your work, teach your child how to shoot a video (if they have no idea how), give them a few accessories or costumes, and let them record dance videos or other goofy footage they can show you at mealtime, most likely with a lot of laughter.

Make Reading a Habit

Getting your youngster interested in reading can never be done too soon. A consistent reading routine enhances communication skills and broadens your child’s vocabulary. As an example, read aloud to your kid frequently. Bring in the cozy feeling of reading by stocking your house with books and publications.

If your kid is too young to read independently, dedicate 20 minutes daily to family storytime. Pick many subjects and enthusiastically read aloud to them.

Task Your Child for the Day

Your children will feel more engaged in routine tasks. Begin each day with a routine chore, like folding clothes, putting lunchtime sandwiches together, checking that the cushions in the living room are in order, or ensuring that no bed in the house is unmade.

Explain the purpose of the assignment to them before they begin. After they’ve finished their unique duty, reward them. They’ll take pleasure in lending you a hand and realize that their contributions are valued.

Build an Animal Habitat

Encourage your kid to investigate the “home” of their stuffed companion in the wild so they may make a miniature version of it using common household materials like bricks, blocks, and abandoned clothes. You can transform a shoebox into a bear’s lair. A plastic container stuffed with stones and blue paper can become a crab’s haven.

Ensure it has the four necessities for survival that all animals require: the environment, water, food, and a place to sleep.

Free Play

It’s not always necessary to schedule playtime. Allow your children to become bored, and you’ll quickly see that they’ll start doing random activities like sorting toys and coins, polishing their nails, or slicing paper into smaller bits.

They could even doze off while lying on the couch.

It turns out that the brain benefits from periodic boredom. It allows the brain to take a much-needed break and conjure fresh, original thoughts.

Pretend Play-Office

Giving young children a briefcase filled with office equipment and encouraging them to work quietly close by will allow you to incorporate them into your new work-from-home routine. All ages of children can enjoy it. However, the things in their bag should be appropriate for their age and level of safety.

The best things to put in your child’s play-office bag are markers, paper towels, kid-safe scissors, labels, and other grown-up supplies like pencil cases, measuring tapes, or vintage calculators.

Keeping Your Kids Engaged Creatively

With some imagination and these suggestions, you can amuse your youngster for as long as necessary. It’s also an excellent way to bond over laughter and chat.

Before you know it, you’ll have pleasant memories of your time together and have finished whatever you need time and space for.

There will be times when things don’t go as planned. Accept it and extend some self-compassion. Forcing engagements on your kid can only make things worse.

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I am Jessica Moretti, mother of 1 boy and 2 beautiful twin angels, and live in on Burnaby Mountain in British Columbia. I started this blog to discuss issues on parenting, motherhood and to explore my own experiences as a parent. I hope to help you and inspire you through simple ideas for happier family life!


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