Benefits and Usage of Coconut Oil


Coconut oil is gaining attention again as it is known as a key ingredient in the ketogenic diet and bulletproof coffee. In addition, in the dry season like these days, it is perfect to use as a moisturizing item for dry skin.

Coconut oil is an oil obtained by removing the skins of coconut, that is, by pressing the seeds of the coconut palm. Compared to other vegetable oils, the content of saturated fatty acids is very high, but why is it said to be beneficial for health?

What is MCT (Medium-Chain Triglycerides)?

Almost all fats in nature are made up of long-chain fatty acids, but coconut and some milk fats are made up of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), also called medium-chain triglycerides or medium-chain fatty acids. Medium-chain fatty acids are partially soluble in water, and unlike other oils, they do not necessarily require bile acid, pancreatic lipolytic enzyme, or lipase for digestion and absorption.

Therefore, the conversion rate to body fat or cholesterol is low, and it helps to lose weight by improving metabolism and breaking down long-chain fatty acids accumulated in the body. The reason for using coconut oil in a ketogenic diet is that it can instantly be ketogenic for your body.

Relief of symptoms of metabolic syndrome

According to a domestic academic paper, as a result of an experiment on coconut oil intake in middle-aged women with metabolic syndrome, body fat and blood pressure significantly decreased. The group taking coconut oil for 12 weeks lost 2.8 kg of body weight and body fat by 2.7%. It is said that the effect of reducing weight and body fat can be obtained by consuming coconut oil alone, and the effect can be doubled if combined with exercise. In addition, the average blood pressure of the experimental group, which was 147.9 mmHg, decreased to 136.3 mmHg after 12 weeks, which had a positive effect on blood pressure control.

Boost Immunity

Lauric acid, capric acid, and caprylic acid, which are abundant in coconut oil, have antibacterial, antibacterial, and antiviral effects, helping to enhance the body’s immunity. Lauric acid is converted into monolaurin in the body to fight against various harmful viruses and bacteria and helps to suppress the production or activity of harmful bacteria such as Listeria and Helicobacter pylori.

Improve Digestion

It can help improve the function of the digestive system and prevent various gastrointestinal and digestive problems, including irritable bowel syndrome. In particular, the saturated fatty acids of coconut oil have strong antibacterial properties and help absorption and digestion of other nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

Coconut Oil Whitening Teeth

Coconut oil helps the body absorb calcium and magnesium, which can help improve dental and bone health. In particular, it is known to be effective in improving dental health, Coconut oil helps with whitening teeth, preventing the formation of calculus and plaque, and reducing gingivitis.

Helps Boosting Body Energy

Fat has the property of being instantly converted into energy, and in particular, coconut oil has a stronger energy-giving function because it does not accumulate in the heart, arteries, or blood vessels. The supplied energy increases endurance and propulsion, helping to improve performance during exercise.

Skin Nourishment

When your skin is very dry, dissolve a small amount of coconut oil in your body lotion or cream, mix well, and apply evenly over the body to instantly relieve dryness and soothe irritated skin.

According to a paper published by a skin specialist, as a result of applying coconut oil to adult female skin for 4 weeks, the skin moisture content more than doubled, and it was found to be effective in relieving overall skin trouble symptoms such as moisture, oil, skin texture, dead skin cells, dryness, and itching. However, excessive use on the face can clog pores, so be careful if you have a lot of sebum secretion or frequent inflammatory problems.

Coconut oil for Hair Care

In the tropics, coconut oil has been used as hair oil for a long time. Coconut oil provides nutrition and shine, helping to maintain soft, shiny, and elastic hair. It also prevents loss of protein, a component of hair, improves hair growth, and helps prevent and alleviate dandruff.

Coconut oil ruined my hair?

As it has been established above that excess of everything is bad. Coconut oil is not for every type of hair. Many people have complained that Coconut oil ruined my hair.

How to choose the coconut oil the right way

There are two types of coconut oil, refined and unrefined. Unrefined types, such as virgin or extra virgin, are full of natural flavor and flavor and are good for consumption. The refined type has a lighter scent and fine particles than the unrefined type, so it can be mixed with cosmetics and used for cosmetic purposes or as a cooking ingredient for heating. When purchasing, make sure that it does not contain artificial fragrances or other synthetic additives, and that the expiration date has not passed.

How to Apply Coconut Oil

You can take one or two tablespoons of extra virgin or virgin oil in the morning on an empty stomach or before meals. If eating raw is difficult, you can add a tablespoon to breakfast cereal, spread it on bread or crackers instead of butter or jam, or use it as a salad dressing like olive oil. Mix 1 to 2 teaspoons of coconut oil in a cup of espresso or drip coffee to make bulletproof coffee, which is said to be effective for weight loss.

Coconut oil can be used instead of regular cooking oil for short-term cooking such as fried rice or stir-fried vegetables, but it is not recommended to use it for high-temperature dishes such as frying.

When applied to the skin, use it as massage oil after a shower or bath to prevent dryness and help relieve stress. It is also good to apply it like a body cream to areas with a lot of dead skin cells such as elbows and knees.

Read Also: Skin Care Tips for all Year Around

For hair, use it instead of conditioner or treatment after shampooing. Dissolve a sufficient amount of coconut oil on wet hair and apply it, then wrap the mask with a towel and wash it off after 5-10 minutes.

How to Store Coconut Oil?

Coconut oil goes rancid quickly when in contact with air. Therefore, after use, close the lid tightly and store it in a cool place. It solidifies immediately at low temperatures due to its high saturated fatty acid content, but there is no change in ingredients or nutrition.

Are there any side effects?

Also, like other oils, it is high in calories, so it is not recommended to consume too much. In general, 30g or less per day is recommended. If you already have high cholesterol or triglyceride levels, you should be careful about adjusting the amount when you consume it, and it is advisable to consult a doctor or a nutritionist before taking it.

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I am Jessica Moretti, mother of 1 boy and 2 beautiful twin angels, and live in on Burnaby Mountain in British Columbia. I started this blog to discuss issues on parenting, motherhood and to explore my own experiences as a parent. I hope to help you and inspire you through simple ideas for happier family life!


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